Common results framework development
Maximising the Quality of Scaling Up Nutrition Plus (MQSUN+) supports Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) countries in the process of developing a common results framework (CRF). A CRF is a single and agreed-upon set of expected results for the improvement of nutrition generated through engagement of different sectors and stakeholders. This often serves as the framework for a multisectoral national nutrition action plan. The CRF enables multiple stakeholders—including different government ministries and external partners—to work toward these results and to agree on allocation of responsibilities for their implementation and achievement amongst different sectors.
The process of developing a CRF examines what sectors are already doing in regards to nutrition and aligns them around a collective nutrition goal and objectives. Based on country needs, key activities in this process include: contextual analysis or food and nutrition security situational analysis, multistakeholder mapping and engagement and support with setting priorities and targets.
Following an initial contextual or situational analysis, MQSUN+ supports the identification and analyses of stakeholders’ interests and influence to allow a greater understanding of the nutrition context and to inform advocacy needs. Multisector workshops bring together relevant stakeholders to raise nutrition awareness and share concerns and priorities to inform the CRF. MQSUN+ also supports the prioritisation and setting of targets and measurable indicators (including country-specific milestones and deliverables) in order to ensure nutrition outcomes are achieved with maximum efficacy.
MQSUN+ has facilitated a consultative process to develop a CRF in several SUN countries, including the Kyrgyz Republic, Somalia and Tajikistan. In Somalia, MQSUN+ provided guidance to stakeholders in defining the overall goal, objectives, indicators and set of interventions by sector for a CRF—which is now being used as an advocacy tool by line ministries and the media to increase the country’s awareness on malnutrition and advance their nutrition agenda as a national priority.