Notes & Briefs

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Assumption maps to assess signs of impact of short-term technical assistance

Maximising the Quality of Scaling Up Nutrition Plus (MQSUN+) was a demand-driven technical assistance (TA) project that aimed to contribute to strengthening multisectoral policies and programs that can ultimately improve the nutritional status of women, men, girls, and boys in low- and middle-income countries. Specifically, MQSUN+ provided support to the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement […]

October 29, 2021

Synthesis of Evidence Regarding Indirect Impacts of COVID-19 on Nutrition

As the COVID-19 pandemic was being declared, Maximising the Quality of Scaling Up Nutrition Plus (MQSUN+) supported development of an information note to help countries consider how to protect nutrition during the response, and articulated how to apply the UNICEF framework to the question of how nutrition would be impacted. Then MQSUN+ began collating emerging […]

November 13, 2020

Taking Stock of the SUN Budget Analysis Exercise, 2012-2020

Since the creation of the SUN Movement, one of the greatest successes of its member countries has been to bring together different stakeholders, at the national level, to assess nutrition-related disbursements in the name of trust and for the sake of transparency. Tracking finances for nutrition is essential because the regular review of financial data […]

November 9, 2020

Linking Humanitarian and Development Actions: Considerations for developing multisectoral nutrition plans

Addressing malnutrition during crises requires humanitarian and development workstreams to act together to prevent deterioration of the nutrition situation whilst simultaneously strengthening countries capacity to address the underlying causes of malnutrition in an effective and sustainable manner. Under this context, humanitarian actions are specified as those that are designed to relieve suffering in the short […]

November 2, 2020

Nutrition within the Health System: Moving Towards Universal Health Coverage

Universal health coverage is a critical objective for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for health and well-being; partnerships and institutions; and addressing hunger, poverty and inequity. Likewise, the SDGs reinforce universal health coverage (UHC); as countries develop, they will be better able to consistently deliver health care. Attaining UHC means that everyone can access […]

October 23, 2020

Country Briefs from the Review of SUN Country National Nutrition Plans

As of 2020, 61 countries and four Indian states have joined the global movement for Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN). SUN countries have made major strides in bringing together stakeholders from multiple sectors to align national efforts to end malnutrition. One of the goals of the SUN Movement’s Strategy and Roadmap for 2016-2020 is having all […]

July 16, 2020

Providing technical assistance for SUN countries: Documenting the added value of Nutrition International and MQSUN+ technical assistance for Nutrition in eight SUN countries

This brief is part of a series of three briefs which aim to document technical assistance (TA) within the DFID-funded Technical Assistance for Nutrition (TAN) programme, particularly exploring best practices and lessons learned from TA provision. The first brief considered TA ways of working within the TAN project, and the second brief explores the landscape […]

May 18, 2020

An analysis of the Technical Assistance provided by TAN partners to SUN Countries

This brief is part of a series of three briefs which aim to document technical assistance (TA) within the DFID-funded Technical Assistance for Nutrition (TAN) programme, particularly exploring best practices and lessons learned from TA provision. The first brief considered TA ways of working within the TAN project and a third brief explores the value […]

April 28, 2020

Providing Technical Assistance for SUN Countries: Ways of Working Within the TAN Programme

The Technical Assistance for Nutrition (TAN) programme, funded with UK aid from the UK government, is a mechanism to provide technical assistance to Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) country governments and build capacities towards advancing their multisectoral nutrition agendas, in line with the SUN Movement principles and roadmap. TAN also strives to generate, learn from, adopt […]

January 10, 2020

Providing country-owned, inclusive and adaptive technical assistance to SUN countries

Technical assistance (TA) has long been used as a form of development assistance to support countries, however, its success, approach and purpose vary widely. In 2012, the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development initiated a new programme approach to provide flexible TA for nutrition policy and programming, through the Maximising the Quality of Scaling Up […]

November 5, 2019

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