Contextual or situational analysis

Maximising the Quality of Scaling Up Nutrition Plus (MQSUN+) conducts contextual analyses to assess the current nutrition situation in-country and the causal and contributing factors associated with the development of malnutrition. This process may encompass an assessment of the political environment for nutrition. The analysis can be used to assist in prioritising investments and activities across sectors, as well as to help promote and build a common understanding of nutrition in the country.

MQSUN+ conducted a contextual analysis in Yemen in 2016 to provide an understanding of the current nutrition environment. This analysis was revised this year to update the information, taking into account the existing state conflict, which will be used to inform the prioritisation of interventions for their new multisectoral national nutrition plan. 

MQSUN+ also conducts situational analyses to provide an in-depth picture of the nutrition and food security circumstances across sectors. The project analyses institutional frameworks to better understand the extent of intersectoral coordination to ensure improved governance and support to capacity development for nutrition. MQSUN+ also conducts readiness assessments of ministries for integrating nutrition into other sectors, including water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), agriculture, social protection and more.