MQSUN+ Toolkit on Multisectoral Planning for Nutrition
In 2012, the UK Department for International Development (now the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, or FCDO) initiated a new programme approach to provide flexible technical assistance (TA) for nutrition policy and programming through the Maximising the Quality of Scaling Up Nutrition (MQSUN) project. Through this mechanism, for the first time SUN countries were able to request TA if they did not have the country capacity, technical expertise or existing internal TA mechanism to support their nutrition planning efforts. Since 2012, MQSUN, and now Maximising the Quality of Scaling Up Nutrition Plus (MQSUN+), have provided demand-driven TA to more than 50 SUN countries, as well as broader global support. This ranged from conducting nutrition policy framework reviews and stakeholder analysis through to supporting SUN Focal Points to engage with stakeholders to develop multisectoral nutrition plans (MSNPs) and common results frameworks (CRFs), cost their plans and then start up and roll out activities, as well as engaging in advocacy and establishing monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) systems to assess progress. The aim of this toolkit is to leverage MQSUN(+)’s experience supporting SUN countries to document and share its approach, key learnings and positive practices for multisectoral nutrition planning—in hopes that it will be informative to and build on the next phase of the SUN Movement.
Suggested citation: MQSUN+. (2020). A toolkit on multisectoral planning for nutrition. PATH. Retrieved from https://mqsunplus.path.org/multisectoral-nutrition-planning-toolkit/