Maximising the Quality of Scaling Up Nutrition (MQSUN) and MQSUN+ have provided intermittent TA to Yemen since 2013 towards assessing the nutrition context and multisectoral nutrition planning and prioritisation. Through a highly collaborative and country-led process, this support culminated in the development of Yemen’s first Multisectoral Nutrition Action Plan (MSNAP), as well as an associated costed common results framework (CRF), monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plan and an advocacy strategy and action plan.
Between 2013 and 2016, MQSUN provided technical support to prepare a national nutrition framework document and draft intervention impact projection—including the provision of recommendations on key interventions in light of the emergency and conflict situation. Following this TA provided to Yemen under MQSUN, MQSUN+ re-engaged with the SUN Yemen team in 2017 to update the country’s contextual analysis using results of new surveys and data sources, provide recommendations on priority indicators, interventions and targets and conduct a costing readiness assessment of these priority interventions. The costing readiness assessment spurred in-country stakeholders to further refine their CRF and collect the required costing data. In 2018, this was followed by TA to support SUN Yemen in finalising their costed CRF and developing their MSNAP, M&E plan and advocacy strategy—with a special inclusion of the nutrition needs and efforts within the humanitarian context in order to better respond to the actual and emerging needs in the country.