Through a collaborative and country-led process, Maximising the Quality of Scaling Up Nutrition (MQSUN+) technical assistance (TA) to Afghanistan culminated in the validation of the country’s first multisectoral strategic plan for food security and nutrition. In 2018, MQSUN+ initiated the TA to the Afghanistan Food Security and Nutrition Agenda (AFSeN-A) Secretariat for the development of the AFSeN-A Strategic Plan. The support started with the preparation of a contextual analysis and stakeholder mapping and power analysis. Both analyses, complemented by a road map and an outline for the development of the Strategic Plan, were presented to key nutrition stakeholders at a workshop to gain consensus and validation. Subsequently, the Strategic Plan was developed through an iterative process with key stakeholders —and approved by the AFSeN-A Steering Committee in November 2019. The Strategic Plan is supplemented by an activity matrix, a monitoring and evaluation framework and a costing of the key activities, as well as preliminary implementation planning on monitoring and evaluation, operational research, capacity building and advocacy.