
Found 96 Results
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Pakistan Food Fortification Scoping Study

This report examines the potential to scale up micronutrient fortification in Pakistan in order to reduce micronutrient deficiencies. Findings from the 2011 National Nutritional Survey reveal that very little progress has been made with respect to micronutrient deficiencies among women and children in Pakistan, with the exception of gains in iodised salt use and large reductions […]

May 15, 2014

Planning and Costing for the Acceleration of Actions for Nutrition: Experiences of Countries in the Movement for Scaling Up Nutrition

This report is a synthesis of work undertaken by countries in the Movement for Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN). The costed nutrition plans for 20 countries are analysed, looking at the assumptions made, the priority areas and targets which were set and the methods used, to determine whether they are responsive to the identified needs. It […]

May 1, 2014

Analysing Nutrition Governance in Fragile Contexts: Lessons and Implications

This brief describes lessons learnt and implications from an analysis of the research and policy challenges for improving nutrition governance in a context of state fragility. Efforts to strengthen government commitment to reduce under nutrition in fragile and conflict affected states (FCAS) face a number of context-specific challenges: First, most nutrition investments tend to adopt short-term […]

January 1, 2014

Research Summary: Systematic Review of Complementary Feeding Interventions for Prevention of Undernutrition

This research summary is based on a systematic review of complementary feeding interventions for prevention of undernutrition. Complementary feeding for infants refers to the timely introduction of safe and nutritional foods in addition to breastfeeding. These foods are typically provided to children from six to 24 months of age. It has been suggested that in […]

December 19, 2013

Technical Assistance to Support Pre-inception Activities of the ‘First 1,000 Most Critical Days’ Programme

This report documents key findings from a district gap analysis and planning process for the First 1,000 Most Critical Days Programme (MCDP) in Zambia by strengthening the approach and tools developed for the orientation, gap analysis and development of district plans; supporting the development of nutrition district plans in a selected number of districts; and […]

December 13, 2013

The Political Economy of Undernutrition National Report, Pakistan

This report on the political economy of undernutrition in Pakistan describes research carried out to provide technical assistance to inform the work of stakeholders (including United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID) in Pakistan) committed to addressing undernutrition in Pakistan through an analysis of the political economy around the underlying and basic causes of undernutrition in country. […]

Nutrition Topic Guide

This topic guide has been compiled to provide an overview of undernutrition in the context of development. It covers the nature, scale and complex range of causes of undernutrition and summarises the evidence for what works to address the problem. The guide covers direct nutrition interventions (also known as nutrition-specific), indirect interventions (nutrition-sensitive) and the […]

October 25, 2013

Investigating Country Efforts in Scaling Up Nutrition in 20+ SUN Countries

On 30 September 2013, Maximising the Quality of Scaling Up Nutrition (MQSUN) hosted an event/webinar on Investigating Country Efforts in Scaling Up Nutrition in 20+ Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Countries. Over the past year, MQSUN has been working closely with the SUN Movement Secretariat on scaling up nutrition efforts in 20+ countries. These activities include: […]

October 14, 2013

Systematic Review of Complementary Feeding Strategies amongst Children Less than Two Years of Age

This paper presents the findings of a Maximising the Quality of Scaling Up Nutrition (MQSUN) review on complementary feeding practices. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and non-RCTs that assessed the impact of complementary feeding and education on complementary feeding on linear growth, weight gain, iron status and morbidity were included in the review. Broadly, interventions were […]

Actions on Undernutrition in Pakistan: Opportunities and Barriers

This brief is based on the Political Economy of Undernutrition in Pakistan study. It highlights challenges faced for mainstreaming nutrition as an intersectoral development priority and provides strategic recommendations using Acosta and Fanzo’s nutrition governance framework. Nutrition has received little policy attention in Pakistan and has never been a political issue for the legislature nor […]

October 4, 2013

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