At the stage where a country has a multisectoral nutrition plan (MSNP) / common results framework (CRF) in place and is ready to begin plan implementation, there are several start-up actions that might need to be undertaken prior to rollout of activities during the inception phase, depending on the country context and what is already in place.
Depending on the structure of the MSNP/CRF and level of decentralisation in the country, subnational plans may also need to be developed based on the overarching national plan to clearly prioritise and guide action at the subnational level. The checklist below can be used to assist identification of what the most important steps will be for the inception period in any particular country, depending on what is already in place and what is feasible and necessary for the country to conduct (those activities in bold are given more reflection in this module, given the level of Maximising the Quality of Scaling Up Nutrition Plus, or MQSUN+, experience in those areas):

- Planning for operationalisation (Section 6.1), including establishing/strengthening governance structures and decentralised or subnational planning.
- Developing a capacity-development strategy (Section 6.2).
- Planning for advocacy (Section 6.3).
- Mobilising domestic and international resources (Section 6.4).
- Establishing a financial-management and tracking system (refer to Module 4).
- Developing/strengthening a monitoring, evaluation and learning system (refer to Module 5).
- Integrating MSNP principles and actions into sectoral planning documents.
- Engaging in multisectoral social and behaviour change communication planning.
- Ensuring that implementation guidelines and protocols are fit for the purpose.
- Ensuring that necessary regulations are in place, such as those for food safety and fortification.
6.1 – Planning for Operationalisation (EN, FR, SP)
_____6.1.1 – Establishing or Strengthening Governance Structures (EN, FR, SP)
_____6.1.2 – Planning at the Subnational Level (EN, FR, SP)
6.2 – Creating a Capacity-Development Strategy for Nutrition (EN, FR, SP)
6.3 – Developing an Advocacy Strategy for Nutrition (EN, FR, SP)
_____6.3.1 – Conducting Advocacy Strategy Workshops (EN, FR, SP)
_____6.3.2 – Developing the Advocacy Strategy and Plan (EN, FR, SP)
6.4 – Mobilising Resources for Nutrition (EN, FR, SP)

Additional guidance to prepare for inception and operationalisation
Resource National Information Platform for Nutrition (NIPN) website. NIPN guidance notes: Communicating and disseminating findings page. Available at http://www.nipn-nutrition-platforms.org/NIPN-Guidance-Notes. Accessed 01 October 2020. Tools FANTA III Project website. Manual for Country-Level Nutrition Advocacy Using PROFILES and Nutrition Costing tool page. https://www.fantaproject.org/tools/manual-country-level-nutrition-advocacy-using-profiles-and-nutrition-costing. Accessed 02 November 2020. Global Nutrition Cluster. Nutrition Cluster Advocacy Toolkit. New York: Global Nutrition Cluster; 2020. Available at https://www.nutritioncluster.net/Nutrition_Cluster_Advocacy_Toolkit. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Capacity Assessment Approach and Supporting Tools: Discussion Draft. Rome: FAO; 2010. Available at www.fao.org/docs/eims/upload/291153/Capacity_Assessment_methodology_tools_final_sept2010.doc. FAO. FAO Approaches to Capacity Development in Programming: Processes and Tools—Learning Module 2. Revised ed. Rome: FAO; 2015. Available at www.fao.org/3/a-i5243e.pdf. UNICEF / Save the Children, Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office. Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (IYCF-E): East and Southern Africa Region (ESAR) Capacity Mapping and Assessment Tool. Nairobi: UNICEF, Save the Children, Global Nutrition Cluster; 2020. Available at https://www.nutritioncluster.net/sites/nutritioncluster.com/files/2020-08/IYCFE%20Capacity%20mapping%20toolkit%2002%20August%202020.pdf. SUN UN Network. Nutrition Capacity Assessment Guidance Package—Part 1: Guidance Note. Geneva: SUN Movement Secretariat; 2016. Available at https://www.reachpartnership.org/documents/312104/dc7e2066-93ab-4a8f-82c7-fba3e4d24163. |