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Birmingham nutrition situation and stakeholder mapping

Birmingham is the second largest city in the United Kingdom, continuing to grow and relatively diverse. It faces a series of nutrition challenges as programmatic funding wanes: inadequate diet intake impacting low but persistent prevalence of undernutrition among children, micronutrient deficiencies among children, a high prevalence of overweight and obesity among adults and concerning rates of diabetes and pre-diabetes among both children and adults. The city also faces a dearth of data concerning the quality of food access, food insecurity and to some extent breastfeeding. These are worth noting in the context of the factors contributing to the nutrition situation: a higher than (national) average rate of unemployment, containment of some of the poorest areas in the country, increasing prevalence of fast food restaurants in areas predominated by immigrant communities, drastic funding cuts to public health and prevention services and urban growth.

The purpose of this report is to:

  • Present ‘baseline data’ reflecting indicators within the ‘sustainable diets and nutrition’ section of the MUFPP monitoring framework.
  • Consider other food-related metrics that Birmingham could use to monitor healthier, more sustainable food environments.
  • Present a picture of the current food environment in Birmingham.
  • Summarise current public health nutrition interventions and present recommendations for extending reach and impact (through case studies collected via international networks such as EUROCITIES and MUFPP).
  • Consider nutrition, food and health priorities for the next ten years through stakeholder interviews.